What’s Campology?

We have a passion for the great outdoors, and believe you don’t have to be uncomfortable when exploring the wilds – we rough it in comfort ©


Gear Lists 

Dudley’s gear lists from past adventures.
Less is better, but it needs to be the “right” stuff!

1300 km linking Arizona deserts, mountains, forests and canyons – from Mexico to Utah.

East Coast Trail

A rugged 336 km on the eastern coast of Newfoundland/Labrador, Canada

Appalachian Trail

3500 km from Georgia to Maine. 14 states and a brutal 464,464′ elevation change.

Great Divide Trail

1100 km from Montana to Kakwa park in British Columbia. Known as the #WildestThruHike

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GDT post10


So many adventures and sharing is good!

890 km through the heart of Ontario. Surprising wild and challenging.

Tracy, Dudley & Crusher Hiked the 336 km in Canada’s Newfoundland & Labrador 

1100 km from Montana to Kakwa park in British Columbia. Known as the #WildestThruHike

3500 km from Georgia to Maine. 14 states and a brutal 464,464′ elevation change.

This northern river in Canada’s Yukon territory, was explored by the B.R.A.T.. Captured on video and available on YouTube.

This Canadian river located in northern Manitoba was explored by the B.R.A.T .. Captured on video and available on YouTube.


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Latest news from our blogs

Our blogs are for campers by campers. Dudley is the primary contributor, with regular posts from Tracy and friends.

I’m not disconnected from reality! I truly know there are 7 days in the week, 12 months in the year, […]
General A Grizzly or Brown Bear can be distinguished from its Polar and Black Bear cousins by its distinctive muscular […]
I completed the Appalachian Trail on Aug 20, 2023. The sun had yet to rise, it was a normal start […]
The Beginning Campology is 12 years old and we are still roughing it in comfort! In 2011 I retired after […]

The Appalachian Trail

One of Dudley’s most challenging adventures. 

Enjoy the adventure with Dudley by following along on YouTube

Socials are a wonderful way to stay in touch. Subscribe now and don’t miss anything.

The East Coast Trail

Full of joy and challenges

Enjoy the adventure with Dudley , Crusher and Tracy by following along on YouTube

Socials are a wonderful way to stay in touch. Subscribe now and don’t miss anything.

Easy peasy. Complete the online application and in weeks you will have an e-certificate – and with your permission – your name will be posted on our website along side the other honoured graduates.

Our certificate program is recognized by no one and nowhere. It may be only for fun – but it isn’t easy! You must truly have been there and back to be called a campologist.

The Faculty of Campology issues a Level 1 and Level 2 Certificate. It’s never EASY, yet always FREE.

Our honoured graduates come from all over the world, diverse walks of life, and range from children to seniors … yet they all share a passion for the great outdoors. Graduates names are posted on our website
