The Beginning

Campology is 12 years old and we are still roughing it in comfort!

In 2011 I retired after 30 years of policing. Some 12 months before this momentous transition, I thought long and hard about what my new post-police life could look like. I needed something that would both keep me entertained and reflect my passions … art, video, photography, family and above all … camping. What to do?

It was on a 2010 fall hiking trip when I had an epiphany  …  let’s build a website about camping. Easy enough I naively thought.

Fall Hiking Trip when Campology was first envisioned – Shooter and Dudley – Mt Marcy, Adirondacks, NY

For the next 6 months I used every spare moment to build and design a website … the template, graphics, artwork, photography and all the content. 

I brainstormed on a name. After dozens of rejections, I eventually settled on Campology. The domain was secured and trademark applications were completed. I was ready to go.

It’s Alive

On June 1st, 2011 Campology became live. Some 150 pages small.

The platform was a simple website application that came “free” with my computer. Within a year we quickly outgrew our skin and upgraded to a Joomla website platform, and in 2015 we upgraded yet again to a more advanced mobile responsive platform.

On the trail – Dudley, Chill Dude and Bud – Blood Mountain, AT 2022

Then came the cyber-geddon of 2017…  our website collapsed and all was lost. Even with much help from all the binary king’s horses and all the binary king’s men,  we couldn’t put Campology back together again … so we began the rebuild.  A “new” site emerged from the digital ashes in the fall of 2017. 


2024 is only days away, and we are rebuilding yet again. The new site will be live soon with more than 3000 pages of content, over 1000 images, 600 photos, and 259 posts.  Our fans are from 140 nations in 5,199 cities. Unfortunately, we are still missing much of the original content, however, we are growing with new content every day. 

Social media didn’t come naturally. There was much self-discovery and learning – it was a new and confusing cyber-place. Now with thousands of Facebook and Instagram fans, closing in on 2 million YouTube views and 234 videos created, I’m able to connect with like-minded folks in a new way.


Our business plan is uber loosey goosy for sure, and we still don’t make any money … however, the one thing that hasn’t changed is our love of camping. Bring on another 12 years!

Bruce and Tracy hiking the shores of the great St Lawerence River – Parc Nationale du Bic, Que


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