The family camp for which most refer to as a cottage can be a sanctuary. Not quite camping and not quite the city!
To most, the cottage is as close to camping as they will ever get.
Each weekend the cottage warrior would load up the gas-munching SUV with fresh water, clean sheets, a frozen pizza, a handful of DVDs and a good book. Upon arrival, there is a ritual. The windows are opened, the hot water tank is turned on and the fridge is stocked with food and cold adult beverages.
I must admit, I have watched a couple DVDs at the cottage, and on occasion drank the odd cold adult beverage, but none of these modern miracles compare to my special after supper time. This is when I drop the canoe in the calm evening water and circle the lake. The sun slowly lowers herself towards the tallest trees, the water sparkles, and the tangerine sky fills the horizon.
The sun does her final decent over the distant shore, and I breath a sigh of contentment as I land my red 16 foot canoe.
This is Shangri-La.. the air is clean, the lake is pure. Im relaxed!
Night blankets the sky, the call of a lone loon fills the air with a delicious ambient noise.
Now this is camping! or is it?
Not to spoil the mood, but although the cottage world can be a great life style… I contend it is NOT camping.
The campologist’s definition of camping – when you transport your gear to an outdoor location that is not your home and set up a temporary residence.
So strap on your hikers, load up your backpack and head for the hills. Fill up your canoe and paddle deep into God’s country, or stuff a tent, sleeping bag and cooler in your car and head for Algonquin Park. These are all examples of camping!
Your cottage is a second home… it is not camping.
So love your cottage for what it is. A great place to escape and get closer to nature…. but it isn’t camping!
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