Dumoine River

Quebec, Canada

The Dumoine has been explored by the B.R.A.T. several times. Most of the adventures were before HD video. Like BRAT – it’s not pretty yet it’s fun!

The River

ThIs Quebec River flows almost due south into the Ottawa River. Primarily known today for its white water paddling and fishing, the river has a rich history for the First Nations.

The Team – 2006

The team has paddled the Dumoine several times. This group was from 2006 – Stoner, Parker, Falcon, Clobber, Joker – photo by Dudley

The Team – 2010

Dudley, Sparky, Parker, Stoner, Clobber, Joker & Warden

Good Times

Clobber handling the rapids with ease

Good Times

Taking a break after running one of the many rapids

Good Times

At the foot of the “Grand Chute”. The Chute itself is unpassable, but fun to play in the “funny” water after the portage.


Run many times

The BRAT has explored the Dumoine several times. Yet nothing has been posted on YouTube. Dudley is in the process of fixing that! 

in the mean time, checkout Clobber’s skills with the paddle!

Run many times

The BRAT has explored the Dumoine several times. Yet nothing has been posted on YouTube. Dudley is in the process of fixing that! 

This old slide-show was made in 2006. The quality is questionable, yet the fun is real!

Have fun! Checkout all the adventures
