Wildest Thru Hike
Please join Dudley, Crusher (Chris Abbott) & Mango (Tracy Généreux) thru-hike the Great Divide Trail during the summer of 2021. Considered the “Wildest” Thru-Hike in North America #wildestthruhike

The Trail
The Great Divide Trail traverses the continental divide between Alberta and British Columbia, wandering through the vast wilderness of the Canadian Rocky Mountains for more than 1100 km. It is one of the most spectacular and challenging long‐distance trails on the planet.
The Gear
Dudley spends countless hours researching and testing gear to get the “perfect” kit tailored for each adventure. Check out the gear the choices for the GDT.
The Journey
It’s wild and not always even an actual trail, sometimes merely a wilderness route,
A journey on the Great Divide Trail promises to be demanding yet you’ll discover a superlative wilderness experience in one of the most magnificent settings on Earth.
The Rewards
The trail provided many great experiences, Most of which were the enduring friendships.
Overcoming many hardships would push the body and spirit to the limit. If you are fortunate enough to complete the trail, the emotional joy is unmatched.
Dudley Documented the Adventure on Video
7-part series documenting our adventure – we called it “the Great Divide Trail Diaries”. Virtually join us on the hike without getting wet, cold or blisters.
The following video is a short teaser giving a sneak peek of the “The Great Divide Trail Diaries” series found on our YouTube channel
Dudley, Mango and Crusher hiked the Great Divide Trail during the summer of 2021. We had many expected, and some unexpected challenges, as we struggled north from the southern terminus at the Montana border.
These 7 videos are our digital diaries – found on our YouTube channel
Dudley’s Gear
Dudley spends countless hours researching and testing gear to get the “perfect” kit tailored for each adventure. Dudley’s gear is constantly evolving as new equipment is designed, innovative fabrics are invented and camping styles change.
Learn more about the Great Divide Trail
Visit the Great Divide Trail Conservancy website to learn more. You may become interested in helping or perhaps even hiking the trail.