I’m not crazy (I know that’s what all crazy people say).

I truly know there are 7 days in the week, 12 months in the year, and 24 hours in the day (except for Canadian metric time of course) but when it comes to the 4 seasons, I take some liberties. I have created several sub-seasons for the traditional spring, summer, winter, and fall.

Why do you ask? … because I’m a campologist of course!


To most, spring is a wonderful season. The world blossoms from the cold and unforgiving winter. City dwellers emerge in mass from their respective winter hiding places, plants break through the snow, animals wake up from hibernation, and Canadians leave hockey arenas and Tim Horton restaurants.

However as a campologist… I HATE spring.

I miss the crisp air, virgin white snow, and frozen lakes of winter… yet I long for the coming warm dry days of summer.  Spring is bookmarked between 2 glorious seasons… season purgatory.

As the land, sea, and air transform into summer… spring just hangs there as an in-between wet, damp and mucky season! Fortunately the 3 seasons of spring essentially all pass in April and May … and by June, you are once again ready to move back into the backwoods with packs, canoes, kayaks and good friends.

spring allergies2
The 2nd season of spring is SNOT – Tree pollen on my car

The 3 Seasons of Spring:

  • Muck – This sub-season starts at first melt. The snow is still on the ground, however, the above-freezing temperatures liquify the winter white gold into muddy paths, wet trails, slick roads, and un-skiable hills and trails.
  • Snot – The second sub-season is marked by the trees and plants blossoming. The new emerging green also vomits blankets of pollen. Nasty anaphylactic micro-seeds that cover your car, settle in your lungs and attack your eyes. My eyes are filled with scratchy tears, and my respiratory system is full of SNOT.  During these dishabilitating 3 weeks, I chow down daily doses of Claritin and complete long-neglected indoor chores.
  • Suck – The 3rd sub-season sucks! Literally! The biting and sucking insects rise from the ponds, lakes, and muck with only one goal … biting you! This season provides extra challenges for campers, pets and all hot-blooded creatures who brave the habitats of these micronasties.

None of the sub-seasons are show-stoppers. You can still enjoy the great outdoors with a little knowledge, good gear, and a great attitude.

I personally ride my bike during the 3 seasons of spring!



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