General  The black bear is much smaller than the grizzly bear and doesn’t have the muscular […]
General Do not panic. Take stock of supplies.  If you are lost – stay put.  Rescue […]
General Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a combination of rescue breathing providing oxygen to the victim’s lungs, […]
General Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a combination of rescue breathing and chest compressions, to keep oxygenated […]
General Humans are outnumbered – big time! There are over 200 million insects for every person […]
General Polar bears are North America’s largest land carnivore. They can be distinguished from a Black […]
General In the wilderness, serious bleeding must be controlled immediately –  replacement fluids are not readily […]
General It is the wild ancestor of the domestic pig. Wild boar are native across Europe, […]
General When venturing on a river, consider the following:  Common River Hazards 

Sharing is good

My mother taught me that sharing is good. So we share a lot.

Quality is limited

We are campers first and writers second. Please be patient with our less than perfect ramblings. 

Always honest

Honesty first and foremost. Integrity can't be taken, only given away.






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