General Their threat to humans is largely exaggerated. Piranha grow to 33 centimetres and has powerful […]
General Transport Canada requires paddlers of human-powered watercraft less than 6 metres to carry certain safety […]
General Shelters protect you from the cold, rain, wind, heat, sun, and wild animals and create […]
General The ocean coast is both beautiful and dangerous. There are few locations better to paddle […]
General Morse code is a method of transmitting information as a series of on-off tones, lights, […]
General Learning to signal for help in the wilderness is a critical survival skill.  When signalling […]
General A tsunami is a series of sea waves most commonly caused by earthquakes, volcanic activity, […]
General A volcano is an opening in the earth’s crust where magma from the mantle reaches […]
General The trapping techniques described here are only for wilderness survival situations. Please obey all rules […]

Sharing is good

My mother taught me that sharing is good. So we share a lot.

Quality is limited

We are campers first and writers second. Please be patient with our less than perfect ramblings. 

Always honest

Honesty first and foremost. Integrity can't be taken, only given away.






Many of our adventures and random thoughts are captured with video and available on our YouTube channel


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