
The Rideau Trail is 325 km between the City of Kingston and the City of Ottawa located in the general area of the Rideau Canal and its tributary waters.

Dudley thru-hiked in 2012 solo – he called it OktoberQuest. In 2020 he again completed the trail end to end, and this time southbound with his good friend “Crusher”


Understanding the gear chart

Worn items

Items worn on the hiker and are not in the pack


Consumerable items such a food, & fuel

Certified 100 days

Gear wom over 100 days and still going strong


On the list but Dudley is still testing the item


My Gear

 If you are looking for gear ideas, you can check out Dudley’s gear lists from past adventures. Perhaps you are interested in a more generic gear checklist, then check out our  Checklists

Rideau Trail 2012

Dudley’s gear changes with each adventure

Always looking for the “perfect” kit. His gear choices continue to evolve as technology changes, fabric improves and is tailored to ecosystems and seasons. 
