Paddle Adventures
There are so many – we can’t share them all – here are a few.
The longest river in Alaska and Yukon, it was one of the principal means of transportation during the 1896–1903 Klondike Gold Rush.
This Canadian river located in northern Manitoba was explored by BRAT. Captured on video and now available on YouTube.
This northern river in Canada’s Yukon was explored by BRAT. Captured on video and now available on YouTube.
Located roughly 500 km west of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories of Canada. It is the centrepiece of Nahanni National Park Reserve.
ThIs Quebec River flows almost due south into the Ottawa River. Primarily known today for its white water paddling and fishing, the river has a rich history for the First Nations.
The French River cuts through the Canadian Shield, flowing through rapids, waterfalls, gorges and interconnected lakes on its journey from Lake Nipissing to Georgian Bay.
The river flows from Algonquin Provincial Park to the Ottawa River. The name comes from the Algonquian for “where one hears a noise like this”, which refers to its many rapids.
Just north of Ottawa, Ontario, the river is 230 km long. Its name comes from an Algonquian band of the region known as “Matouweskarini”, meaning “people of the shallows”
Stretches 900 km across northern Canada. Its source is Whitefish Lake in the Northwest Territories, and it flows east to Baker Lake, Nunavut.
9 men with a deep sense of adventure, diverse backgrounds and skills, and a shared love of the great outdoors – this is the Briargreen River Adventure Team.
A vast landscape of maple hills, rocky ridges, spruce bogs, and thousands of lakes, ponds, and streams. More than 2,000 kilometres of canoe routes and three wilderness backpacking trails.
Sharing is good
My mother taught me that sharing is good. So we share a lot.
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We are campers first and writers second. Please be patient with our less than perfect ramblings
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