Thru Hikes
You need time, lots of planning and a good attitude to complete a Thru Hike.
3500 km from Georgia to Maine. 14 states and a brutal 464,464′ elevation change.
1100 km from Montana to Kakwa Park in British Columbia. Known as the #WildestThruHike
325 km from Ottawa to Kingston. Weaving through, green space, parks, farms and country roads.
336 km of wilderness paths along
North America’s rugged easternmost coastline of Newfoundland & Labrador.
Sharing is good
My mother taught me that sharing is good. So we share a lot.
Quality is limited
We are campers first and writers second. Please be patient with our less than perfect ramblings
Always honest
Honesty first and foremost. Integrity can’t be taken, only given away.
How We Share
Sharing is Good
Hundreds of videos about adventures, tips and reviews.
Shared experiences about camping – Trips, tips, tricks and survival.
Quick and easy. Staying connected or getting connected.
The main hub of all that is Campology.