General Shock is when the camper suffers from insufficient blood flow throughout the body. Shock often […]
General All domestic dogs are originally bred from wolves and still carry the genes and basic […]
General Part of quicksand’s danger is its resemblance to solid ground. Underneath the firm-looking crust – […]
General A hurricane is an intense tropical weather system with sustained winds of 120-250 kph. They […]
General Before a wilderness trip, be sure you understand how to read a map and use […]
General Also called a buffalo gnat, turkey gnat, or white sock. There are over 1,800 known […]
General Mosquitoes have been around for more than 30 million years. They have evolved into the […]
General This endangered arctic sea mammal lives 40 years and weighs up to 1400 kilograms. They […]
General During a landslide, rock, earth, or debris moves down a slope. They can be small […]

Sharing is good

My mother taught me that sharing is good. So we share a lot.

Quality is limited

We are campers first and writers second. Please be patient with our less than perfect ramblings. 

Always honest

Honesty first and foremost. Integrity can't be taken, only given away.






Many of our adventures and random thoughts are captured with video and available on our YouTube channel


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