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Camping over 60 things change.

By the time you have matured to the majestic age of 60, you have likely been camping for many decades, paddled countless rivers and still think Gortex and cellphones are fancy and new.

Your experience is vast, your skills are honed and your attitude is relaxed. All sounds good. Well, there are some issues that sextus-decadron campers have to contend with that younger souls have yet to enjoy.  The pace changes and the need for the rush has faded…yet your need for adventure is still in high gear!


Let’s examine the aging process and take inventory.


  • When you wear a sun hat it protects your face, ears and that bald spot,
  • You wake earlier – you hike for 2 hours before others awake,
  • You hike and portage with knee braces,
  • Your credit card limit is bigger, and your financial concerns are fewer,
  • You consume un-natural amounts of prescription quality turbo-charged anti-inflammatories,
  • You used to paddle 12 hours a day and go to sleep at midnight, now you paddle 4 hours in the morning and nap all afternoon,
  • You used to drink cheap vodka with tang, now you bring 15-year-old scotch,
  • You bring a pee bottle not because it’s convenient, but because you “need” it,
  • Your gut was lean and your pack bulged, now your gut bulges and your pack is lean,
  • You now consult with your physician before trips,
  • Your sleep pad has been getting thicker each year,
  • Your life partner used to miss you when you went on trips, and now they tell you to go,
  • You used to drive an old car and carry a new pack, now you drive a new car and you have that same old pack,
  • Camping used to be awesome… and it still is!

Camping is great no matter how old you are, you have to adjust. So get out and enjoy life between knee replacements while still on this side of the grass.

Tracy & Bruce enjoying their best life camping throughout the continent – Parc National du Bic 2022
The old hiker advantage – Waking earlier allows you to hike in the cool and enjoy the sunrise – Appalachian Trail 2022


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