RV the expedition2
  • The Expedition: Two Parents Risk Life and Family in an Extraordinary Quest to the South Pole 
  • by Chris Fagan
  • She Write Press | Sept 2019 | Softcover

I’m humbled.

Not only is the story inspirational, but Chris’ words draw me into her South Pole adventure. 

This well-written book stirs many emotions for the wannabee adventurer in me.  Chris explores the many personal challenges and conflicts between life, careers, family and friends.  Extreme adventures are important to many, yet at what cost to the other cherished things in your life? Chris’ struggles with this delicate balance are freely and openly described with frank candour.


Bottom line… I loved this read.

I devoured the first chapters where Chris describes her logistics, planning and training. This Olympian-level expedition planning made my 2020 Appalachian preparations seem trite. There was very little room for error.

I was emotionally exhausted after plowing through her expedition preparations by the time I blasted into the actual adventure part of the book.

The adventure itself was wonderful. Well documented, easy to read and very compelling.

Chris Fagan hasn’t just documented this rare adventure, but done so in a well-written easy-to-read story that kept me glued to the pages.  

Thank you, Chris.

Format: Softcover
Dimensions: 273 pages, 8.5 × 5.5 × .75 in
Author: Chris Fagan
Published: Sept 2019
Publisher: She Writes Press
Language: English
Purchase: Amazon 
RV the expedition2

Publisher said…

Meet Chris and Marty—a married couple working on their careers, raising their only child, and chasing big adventures. At midlife, they suddenly find themselves weighing the responsibility of parenthood against the possibility of one more grand adventure, before their aging bodies and the warming continent of Antarctica further degrade. They ultimately decide it’s time to pursue their biggest dream: Ski 570 miles from the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole. With no guide or resupply.

From the lush Pacific Northwest to the barren landscape of Antarctica, Chris and Marty embark on one of the hardest challenges on the planet. After three years of intense planning and training, including meticulous preparations for the care of their twelve-year-old son, they are ready.

Experience a boundless white wonderland like no other on earth. Encounter life-threatening dangers lurking in the bitter cold. Feel the intensity of 220-pound sleds, relentless wind, 40-below temperatures, and mind-numbing isolation. This is not an average couples getaway. Chris and Marty go where few others have dared on the way to making history—stretching their bodies, minds, and marriage to the limit in the process. Riveting and inspiring, The Expedition is about the power of family and community, the adventurous spirit that dwells within us all, and breaking through to feel fully alive.


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