Being the Campologist’s wife has its challenges and advantages. As I have said in my first post, I do like camping and have the Campologist to thank for that.
I have always been an “outdoorsy girl”. My family camped for many
summers in a 16′ travel trailer with a kitchen, comfy bed, and a bathroom nearby. I did go to girl guide camp (although I must admit, I kind of hated it ) and that is about it.

Meeting the Campologist challenged me to stretch my experience in the great outdoors. I am surprised that I continued camping with him when one of my first backpacking trips (after finishing a night shift) was filled with OMGs. Camping next to the largest collection of bullfrogs, sleep deprived, hiking through a bog and ending up waist-deep in muck, with wild turkeys jumping out in front of me are among my first memories.
Over the next 30-plus years we have had many camping adventures, which I am now thinking of blogging about from MY perspective…(Will be interesting reading for sure)

The Challenges of being the wife of the Campologist:
- Way too much camping stuff in the house,
- His idea of a great vacation is trekking through the woods, mine is the Barcelo in Cabo San Lucas,
- Having to wait to eat dinner, while he tests how many litres of water his new fuel canister can burn,
- Being asked repeatedly, do you want to sleep in the backyard in the tent, for no apparent reason,
- When asked to make dinner, his idea is to open a backpacker pantry dehydrated pouch and really think that’s what I meant when I asked him to make dinner.
- Having another kayak appear, and now I think they are creating their offspring,
- The list goes on…
- New lightweight trekking poles,
- He goes on solo trips,
- I have stretched my outdoor self and can now pee and poop in the woods with no problem,
- New outdoor clothing,
- He goes on extended trips leaving me to experiment with paint colours in the house,
- I have the skills to exist if zombies take over the world,
- Appreciate the outdoors. (Had to end with a serious note)
I’m not sure camping was included in our wedding vows, but we are in for the long haul with many adventures to follow.

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